Teaching Ideas and Evidence
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ITT Science Enrichment Project
Rob Tweats
Keele University


The project at Keele University had several aims:

• To alert our immediate school science departments (within the ITT Partnership) that the Ideas and Evidence in Science aspect of Scientific Enquiry (Sc1) is a neglected area of school science and needs addressing;

• To produce innovative materials that could be disseminated initially across our ITT Partnership and eventually to a larger audience via the website;

• To enrich the existing ITT provision. Associate Teachers (ATs) bring enthusiasm and naivety to teaching and this can be utilised to cascade the ‘message’ and materials into schools;

• To provide professional development opportunities for school-based mentors, hopefully leading to a stronger ITT partnership;

• To raise the standards of teaching & learning, thereby improving pupils’ understanding of science;

• To initiate the review of schemes of work in school science departments.

The participants

There were 8 Associate Teachers at 8 partnership schools involved in the project, with Rob Tweats acting as group leader.

Teachers Schools
Carolynne Delves
John Perry
Nikki Bratherton
Anna Guy
David Bellfield
Pauline Woodcock
Rob Swinnerton
Allison Garside
Kath Swinson
Kevin Rendall
Garry Hamblin
Patsy Barron
Vuli Sibanda
Malbank School, Nantwich
Endon High School
Maryhill High School, Kidsgrove
Newcastle Independent School
Leek High School
Eaton Bank High School, Congleton
St. Thomas Moore Catholic High School
Brine Leas High School, Nantwich
Thomas Alleynes High School, Uttoxeter
Shavington High School
Weston Rd. High School, Stafford
Hagley Park School, Rugeley
Cheadle High School

Associate Teachers involved were Marie Wain, Angela Craig, Fiona Sutton, Alexandra Edwards, Vikki Diggle, Jo Hulse and Hannah Severn

Initially, a core working party was set up, which included university ITT staff, school-based mentors and Associate (student) Teachers. A workshop was held to introduce the project and plan, design lessons and materials, and to formulate the best way forward, given the nature of the individual schools. In the second workshop the lesson activities were evaluated and revised ready for use with the whole of the Partnership.

Overview of activities

Activity M: Spreading Disease

Developed by:

Teachers Trainees Schools
Anna Guy
Kath Swinson
Nikki Bratherton
Patsy Barron
Carolynne Delves
Rob Tweats
Angela Craig
Jo Hulse
Hannah Severn
Fiona Sutton
Maryhill High School
Thomas Alleynes High School
Edensor High School

This lesson focuses on an issue never far from the headlines, namely the spread of the influenza virus. It should appeal to pupils because it makes use of recent events. Some pupils may even have been to places where they had to wear masks due to the outbreak of SARs. Pupils collect and consider evidence related to the effectiveness of masks.

Activity N: Acids & pH

Developed by:

Teachers Trainees Schools
Garry Hamblin
Allison Garside
Vuli Sibanda
Carolynne Delves
Rob Tweats
Alexandra Edwards Cheadle High School
Weston Road High School

This lesson requires pupils to think about the evidence they would need in order to decide whether given statements about acids are true or false. A subsequent practical activity provides them with some evidence, but will it be sufficient to make decisions about all of the ideas presented?

Activity O: The Earth & Beyond

Developed by:

Teachers Trainees Schools
John Perry
David Bellfield
Pauline Woodcock
Rob Swinnerton
Kevin Rendall
Carolynne Delves
Rob Tweats

Marie Wain
Vikki Diggle
St. Thomas More Catholic High School Shavington High School
Malbank School

A PowerPoint presentation is the key resource used in this lesson where pupils examine ideas and evidence about the Earth and the Universe.

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