Teaching Ideas and Evidence
Home Contents Topics index Institute of Education University of York Kings College London Keele University University of Cambridge

An index of science topics, cross-referenced to activities can be found below. Click on the letter of an activity to take you to the relevant activity.

National Curriculum Science at Key Stage 3

Sc1 Scientific enquiry  
Obtaining and presenting evidence Activity J
Evaluating Activity L

Sc2 Life processes and living things  
Cells Activity I
Health Activity M
Selective breeding Activity E

Sc3 Materials and their properties  
Solids, liquids and gases Activity C
Changing materials Activity H
Acids and bases Activity N

Sc4 Physical processes  
Electricity Activity P
  Activity T
Forces Activity B
  Activity K
  Activity R
Light Activity F
  Activity S
Earth and beyond Activity A
  Activity D
  Activity G
  Activity O
  Activity Q

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