by Veit Martin Koch with Richard Worsey, Gareth Burley and Zulfikar
Sayeed. Sc4, Forces
Deacon's School, Peterborough
The Project
Over a period of six weeks, a Y8 science top set was given a number
of different tasks that incorporated higher level thinking skills
according to Bloom's Taxonomy. The effect of such tasks on the pupils'
motivation was analysed and evaluated. Three of these tasks are
presented here.
One of the ways of fostering gifted pupils is to engage them in
challenging thinking, e.g. by letting them apply previous knowledge
in a different context. Such tasks are presented here. Two of the
tasks are an introduction to a new topic (moments and pressure respectively),
and the other is an investigation into the practical application
of the principle of moments. Instead of presenting the pupils with
facts to memorise (rote learning), they had to develop their own
ideas and find the laws. Daily life experience had to be applied
to new tasks. Formulating their findings mathematically was a further
step of abstraction. Higher level thinking skills are defined here
as all levels above level 2 in Bloom's taxonomy (table 1).
1. A DART (Directed Activity Related to Text) activity on balances
as an introduction to moments (appendix 1). Pupils had to solve
the questions in two attempts – first from their own experience,
then through experiments with a balance and masses. At the end of
the task they were asked to express the laws they found both in
words and mathematically. The DART activity in appendix 1 is a modified
CASE (Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education) worksheet.
• An investigation on examples of moments in the classroom
(appendix 2). The moment is calculated by measuring the force and
the distance. Errors have to be considered and a write-up is produced.
Time limited to 50 minutes.
• A DART activity on pressure similar to the first task. Pupils
make predictions and test them through experiments (appendix 3).
The relationship between force, area and pressure has to be expressed
both in words and as a mathematical formula. The DART in appendix
3 is an improved version of the original in appendix 4.
Thinking Skills
Overall, in all tasks, pupils did employ higher level thinking skills.
In the DART activities the levels reached were particularly high.
1. The class average for correct answers on the CASE worksheet was
54%, and the best scoring pupil obtained 95%. It can be anticipated
that the percentage of thinking at higher levels was higher than
54% suggests. (The probability of gaining a correct answer by guessing
is far lower than the probability to get a wrong answer in spite
of thinking at a high level.)
2. The levels of thinking (according to Bloom) required by the CASE
worksheet questions were analysed, and pupils' answers were evaluated.
Level (Bloom) |
3 (application) |
4 (analysis) |
5 (synthesis) |
6 (evaluation) |
Reached by % of pupils |
56% |
50% |
54% |
12% |
These results certainly exceed the thinking challenge of average
teaching, which can over-emphasise knowledge and comprehension.
3. The investigation on applying moments demonstrates only a little
higher level thinking. Pupils did not seem to be used to working
on such an independent basis. A good example for this lack of independent
thinking is the standard evaluation phrase "To make it a fairer
test I would repeat the experiment more often." Appendix 4
shows two of the best examples. The highest level of thinking that
pupils achieved was level 3 – application.
4. The DART on pressure was a good introduction into the topic since
the pupils could develop their ideas and test them. The pupils seemed
to grasp the concept more quickly compared to the similar exercise
on moments. The class average for correct answers was 69%, and two
pupils achieved 100%.
Level (Bloom) |
3 (application) |
4 (analysis) |
5 (synthesis) |
Reached by % of pupils |
49% |
45% |
8% |
A disadvantage of this exercise is that pressure and depth of
impression are only proportional in the sense of an initial, rough
estimate. The depth of the impression is not easy to measure and
time is an additional factor. Therefore the results are not as
clear compared to the balance exercises. Two samples of pupils'
work are presented in appendix 4.
5. The determination of levels of thinking is somewhat subjective.
The results might therefore slightly differ if someone else determined
the levels. However, these results strongly suggest that higher
level thinking skills were reached by large proportion of pupils.
The majority of pupils stated when interviewed that they liked
their thinking to be challenged. The interviews were held after
the sequence of lessons when the thinking challenges had been
• Pupils are not used to higher level thinking tasks. Initially
they showed resistance, but once they realised that they were
capable of solving the questions they gained confidence.
• In the interviews, 77% of pupils indicated that they liked
their thinking to be challenged. A few of them said that they
strongly disliked tasks in which they thought they could not succeed.
Professional development benefits
In terms of my own professional development I found it helpful
to gain experience with higher level thinking skills exercises
and pupils’ responses to such tasks. It helped me develop
my skills at gauging the right level of challenge when setting
such tasks.
• To foster higher level thinking skills a 'thinking culture'
needs to be developed. The attempt at, rather than the success
of, solving problems has to be encouraged and valued over a long
period of time. Pupils do not start thinking at high levels over
• The development of such a culture can be achieved by including
exercises like the investigation on application of moments. With
more exercises and formative feedback, I would expect gifted pupils
to broaden their approach and thinking.
• Initially, thinking skills can be developed through tasks
that involve a lot of guidance or a step-by-step approach that
leads the pupils’ thinking (as in appendix 1 and 3). In
the long run, open-ended tasks can be more successful if it is
the thinking itself that comes to be valued, even if the answers
are incorrect.
• A simple way to encourage pupils' thinking is to use open
questions. Here again the teacher's valuing of good thinking rather
than correctness is vital.
Adey, P.S., Shayer, M. and Yates, C. (1995) Thinking
Science: The Curriculum Materials of the CASE Project (second
edition), London: Nelson.
Bloom, B.S. (ed.) (1956) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Handbook
1 (Cognitive Domain), London: Longman.
Appendix 1: Pupil activity sheet – An introduction
to moments
Balancing out
Appendix 2: Pupil activity sheet – Moments investigation
Moments in the Classroom
(An Investigation)
Aim: Calculate a moment in the classroom.
Planning |
• |
What do you need to measure? |
• |
How do you measure it? |
• |
How fair will your test be? |
• |
Estimate where errors could come in and how accurate your
test is. Should you have different opinions in your group,
describe the different view points! Come to your own conclusion! |
Results |
• |
Sketch of the measured moment |
• |
Results |
Evaluation |
• |
How reliable are your results? |
• |
Discuss any errors that could be in the results! |
• |
How could you improve? |
Appendix 3: Pupil activity sheet – Pressure