Teaching Ideas and Evidence
Home Contents Topics index Institute of Education, University of London University of York Kings College London Keele University University of Cambridge
The lesson activities ordered by institution can be found below. Click a hyperlink to go to the relevant activity. If you want to see the activities ordered according to SC code, please visit the next page, Topics Index.

1: Institute of Education, University of London

Activity A: Sedna, planet or not?

Activity B: How does an elastic band stretch?
Activity C: Ideas about particles.

2: University of York


Activity D: History of ideas about space
Activity E: Genetically Modified foods
Activity F: Rainbows
Activity G: Planet X

3: King’s College London, University of London

Activity H:
Changes in Matter
Activity I: Cells
Activity J: Chemical Reactions and Measurement
Activity K: Examining a Scientific Argument
Activity L: Quality evaluations?

4: Keele University

Activity M: Spreading Diseases
Activity N: Acids and pH
Activity O: The Earth and Beyond

5: University of Cambridge

Activity P: Teaching Ideas and Evidence through ‘Electricity’ in Year 7
Activity Q: Teaching the Solar System at Y7
Activity R: Teaching Forces at Y8
Activity S: Teaching Light at Y8
Activity T: Teaching Electricity at Y9
U: Exploring the Curriculum Model for teaching about the Nature of Science

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